Integrated solutions
Control panel design, drawing, and production
We have been designing and manufacturing custom control panels since 1980. Our factory has held CSA, UL, and ISO 9001 certifications since it opened.
Many of our clients are manufacturing companies operating in a wide variety of sectors: pharmaceuticals, food, metallurgy, concrete, machining, public sector, refrigeration, aeronautics, handling, and more.
A significant number of our clients are machinery manufacturers, who use our expertise in control panel design and production to operate their machines. They export their products not only to the United States, but also to Europe; we have extensive knowledge of CE standards and the CE panel certification required in Europe.
Each control panel shipped to a client is accompanied by a hard copy drawing detailing its power and control. We also provide electronic format files that inludes the internal and external layout of the panel’s components, as well as the list of materials and their data sheets.